Monday morning we decided to take a drive into Salzburg, which is about an hour or so southwest of Linz. It was an absolute gorgeous day, not a cloud in the sky. About 30 minutes into the drive, a faint outline of the mountains came into view. As we continued driving the mountains gradually appeared and we found ourselves surrounded by scenes from “The Sound of Music.”
Once we arrived in Salzburg, we walked along the river until finding a good spot for lunch. The Austrians have a much better creation of a “BLT” sandwich than we do in America. My oversized, open-faced baked sandwich was layered with arugula, tomato, fresh prosciutto and gooey mozzarella that left me satisfied the rest of the day (well…I saved room for gelato).
Salzburg is like Linz on steroids. It’s bigger and definitely attracts more tourism than Linz, but typical in its narrow cobblestone roads, outdoor cafes, and overall culture. I find that Salzburg’s greatest and most distinctive feature is its natural beauty. The landscapes are so still; it feels like gazing into a painting. I think my images capture the essence of Salzburg better than my words, so take a look…