I have to quickly note a realization here in regards to the dirndls, lederhosen, and other traditional Austrian garb commonly seen in my photos. Contrary to what Americans might find in Halloween catalogs, the Austrians aren’t playing dress up or showing off costumes. This is a custom in both their historic AND modern culture.
When I went to Oktoberfest two years ago, I ignorantly thought the attire was more of a historic mockery, and rather silly looking too. After living in Linz for a month now, I’ve observed and realized that the outfits are more honorable than anything else. Most Austrians own at least one dirndl or pair of lederhosen to wear to special occasions. However, it is not uncommon to find people walking down the street dressed in such clothing.
My friend Vicky (from Austria) informed me that many Austrian weddings and formal events expect guests to dress in authentic clothing. Interestingly enough, dirndl and lederhosen aren’t as mainstream in Germany as they are in Austria. The Germans typically wear them at Oktoberfest and other particular events to demonstrate tradition and national pride; whereas some Austrians sport them as modern fashion.
After this bit of enlightenment, I have to say, I was more comfortable dressed in a dirndl at Oktoberfest than a hoodie (like my first time). ”When in Rome," right?
So to anyone else who initially thought of the Austrian attire as quaint and outdated…now we both know better.
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