Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And So It Begins..

My biggest concern arriving at Logan airport was saying good-bye to my family...that was until I saw the infinite line at Lufthansa's check in. With 3 bags far exceeding the weight limit, no visa, and 50 minutes until take-off I was convinced I would end up back in my own bed that night. But somehow I ended up at the gate with about 5 minutes to spare. (And by somehow, I mean- changing my return flight home from April to November so it's legally under a 3 month stay and being escorted through security). So as you'd imagine, I was no longer preoccupied with "good-byes," but rather finding my seat and enjoying a complimentary glass of wine...or two (a perk to European airlines). All chaos aside, I was comforted by the fact that I was on the plane and would be in Linz, with Reid (my boyfriend), in a short 10 hours. 

My arrival to Linz was a lot smoother than my departure. I did, however, encounter my first "American moment" when I continually tried to pull out a luggage cart without depositing 1 Euro into the lock. I figured it out...eventually. I collected my things, rolled through Austrian "customs" (two people in uniform chatting in front of a white sliding door), and found Reid waiting with a dozen roses on the other side. I was finally here.

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